Getting Putu Tirta Sari Back Into Community


 After receiving a wheelchair, Tirta is now able to move around her home without getting scrapes on her arms and legs and without getting dirty. The wheelchair also provides her a good place to sit and interact with her family. They are also happy that Tirta can be more mobile and that they can now leave the house together. Her first adventure out of the house, Tirta went to visit her neighbors. We are excited to see that she can now engage more with her community.

Putu Tirta Sari is 21 years old and lives in North Bali. She was born premature with complications and has never been able to walk. Because Tirta cannot walk, she was unable to leave her house. To move around her home, she would crawl and would often have scrapes on her legs and arms. Also, because her house does not have tiled floors, she would often get dirty from crawling on the floor.
